About Us

My name is Ryan Sharp, owner of Direct Protection, your home security specialist. What makes me different from other alarm companies? Service.
While attending college at Brigham Young University, I often walked by a school sign that boldly stated: “Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve.” Deep down, I felt that the University motto explained exactly why I was there; through all the homework, cramming, and test-taking ultimately, I was learning how to effectively serve.
After graduating, I found a way to assist others through alarm technology. I followed through with a dream and started Direct Protection in San Jose, California. More than two decades later I love installing systems and helping my customers feel more secure.
Hello! My name is Ryan Sharp, owner of Direct Protection, your home security specialist. What makes me different from other alarm companies? Service.
While attending college at Brigham Young University, I often walked by a massive concrete block with the etched phrase: “Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve.” Deep down, I felt that the University motto explained exactly why I was there: I wanted to be one who served. And I’ve found a way to do that through my company, Direct Protection.
While looking for a way to pay for my education, a close friend invited me to join him for the summer between semesters. His plan was to sell home security alarm systems door-to-door. I was hesitant to join him at first as I knew little about the industry, but I agreed, quickly learning all I could. That summer in San Ramon, California I found that not only did I excel at working with people and educating them on home security, but I also loved what I was doing and wanted to make it my profession.
Thus my dream to start my own alarm business was born.
After graduating I followed through with that dream and started Direct Protection in San Jose, California. Over 20 years later, I still enjoy meeting new people every day and helping them feel more secure.