Your Pittsburg, CA Area Authorized ADT Dealer

I’m Ryan Sharp, ADT technician and owner of Direct Protection. Direct Protection is an authorized ADT dealer serving the Pittsburg, California area, as well as the Brentwood, Antioch, Tracy, Oakley, and Stockton areas. We specialize in ADT home security, including burglar alarm system and home alarm system consulting and installation. If you are looking for a local burglar alarm installer, or are looking to replace your aging home security system, look no further than Direct Protection.

Our goal is to give you the peace of mind you deserve from your home security system while delivering excellent customer service.

I’ve been helping homeowners feel safe and secure for over 15 years.

Protecting Your Home Is My Number One Priority

If you’re looking for a new home security system, Direct Protection can offer you both protection and excellent customer service. I pride myself on answering any questions you may have about what type of ADT security systems are best for your home, how the installation process works, and any other questions or concerns you may have.

Ready for your free consultation? Let us be your local alarm installers. Call today!

Here’s How It Works

I know you may be unsure what to expect when it comes to installing a complete security system. That’s why I’ve made the process easy for you. In three simple steps, you will be up and running with your new alarm system.

Step One: The Initial Conversation

Our initial conversation will be over the phone. We will discuss your needs and determine what type of ADT alarm you will need.

Here’s what we need for our initial conversation:

  • A total count of the number of doors and windows (that open and close).
  • The type of phone service you subscribe to.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a traditional home phone service. We offer cellular radio options that will call the monitoring center for you in the event the alarm is tripped.

Step Two: The Onsite Consultation and Installation

During the in-person consultation, I will show you the system and explain how it all works before demoing the system for you and answering any questions you may have. Then we will discuss the vulnerable access points of your house in greater detail.

From start to finish, completing the ADT installation will take anywhere from 6 to 8 hours.

Step Three: Training

During the final step, I’ll teach you and your household how to use the system. In just a few minutes, you will know how to arm and disarm your new system, change the security code, and learn about other helpful features.

That’s it. It really is that simple.

Let’s Talk Home Security!

Let Direct Protection give you and your family peace of mind. Call me for a free consultation on your home security system!